Issue Position: Clean Energy

Issue Position

Date: Feb. 1, 2014

Senator Brian Schatz is a leader in promoting the growth of a strong domestic clean energy economy and reducing the nation's dependence on fossil fuels. Senator Schatz has been committed to a clean energy future since the beginning of his public life and continues his leadership on clean energy and climate issues in the U. S. Senate.

Working with other clean energy leaders in Congress, Senator Schatz is using his expertise in energy policy to work on legislation that creates a framework for putting a price on carbon pollution. This legislation would accelerate the nation's transition to a clean energy economy and reduce U.S. carbon emissions, all while creating good jobs and lessening our dependence on fossil fuels.

During his time in the Hawai"i State Legislature, Brian helped establish Hawai"i's Renewable Energy Portfolio and its net energy metering law. This program allows electric customers who own renewable energy resources to sell their unused energy back to the electric grid, reducing their monthly energy bill. Since the measure's passage in 2001, consumers have installed over 12,000 grid-connected PV systems, encouraging even more residents to transition to renewable energy and save money.

As Lieutenant Governor, Brian led the State's clean energy efforts including the Hawai"i Clean Energy Initiative, a federal and state partnership to advance renewable energy and energy efficiency in Hawai"i. By bringing a greater focus to energy issues at the highest levels of state government, Brian was able to facilitate discussions among key players in the energy sector, putting Hawai"i's Renewable Energy Portfolio on track to be number one in the nation.

The Hawai'i Clean Energy Initiative has become a national model for clean energy growth and Senator Schatz's leadership in Hawai'i has made him a trusted voice on the development and implementation of clean energy strategies nationwide.

As a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Water and Power, Senator Schatz is actively engaged in expanding hydropower and the important role that water plays in energy production. Senator Schatz is also working to improve Hawai"i's water infrastructure to ensure that Hawai"i families always have clean, safe water. To bring light to this issue, in August 2013, Senator Schatz brought together experts and community leaders to the State Capitol auditorium in Honolulu for a productive discussion about the state of Hawai"i's water infrastructure and the future of its water supply.

Senator Schatz is also working across the aisle with his colleagues on commonsense legislation to give federal agencies greater ability to save money and reduce energy usage. Schatz's Utility Energy Service Contracts Improvement Act of 2013 would give federal agencies more options to achieve cost and energy savings, such as energy efficiency upgrades and innovative clean energy projects.

Senator Schatz is positioned and committed to ensuring we create clean energy jobs for Hawai"i and build a clean energy future for our nation.
